Most Sharran clergy use such titles of address as "Brother Night" or "Sister Night".
To superiors they say "Mother Night" and "Father Night", and lay worshipers address them so.
Their formal titles include,
Nightcloaks (Clerics of Shar)
Adept of the Night (a novice)
Watcher (the least senior ordained priest)
Hand of Shar (a battle-tested priest/preistess who leads a force of adventurers or oversees several cells),
Dark Lord/Dark Lady (a senior priest/priestess able to proclaim local policy),
Nightseer (the overseer of all faithful in the realm or other large geographical area)
Flame of Darkness (arch priest or personally trusted servant of the goddess).
Shadow Adept (is a spellcaster who specializes in using the Shadow Weave.)
Monks of the Dark Moon
Dark Brother or Dark Sister.("common" monks)
Dark Father or Dark Mother (Senior monks)
Dark Father Abbot, or Dark Mother Abbess.(senior-most monk in any monastery)