
The begining for Sister Night F...

in IC Stories Sun Apr 04, 2010 6:04 am
by Hand of Shar • 47 Posts

// post moved

Last edited Sun Apr 04, 2010 6:05 am | Scroll up


RE: IC Stories about what brings your charater to Shar

in IC Stories Sat Apr 03, 2010 1:23 pm
by Sister Night F • 10 Posts

I was sent to the island to help spread the influence of Shar. My family has a very long standing relation with Shar being that of my ancestary hails from the Netheril over five millennium ago. Her ancestors where part of the original formation of Shadovar which is the only remaining floating city left which was spared destruction due to being in the shadow relm at the time, the most holy of holy cities of Shar. Much has changed since her ancestors lived on the floating cities. She is currently studying on how to gain Shars favour to become a Nightbringer, the most prestigious form of infusion of Shar, a living Avatar. Another reason why she has come to the island is whispers of a cell forming on the island that made its way back to her how...The city of shade..Shadovar. She has a birthmark in the shape of Shar's most holy of symble in the small of her back, only those of Selune, Mystera, and Sharran's would actively be able to identify it. She is most often seen wearing dark grey's which are one of the trademarks of those from the Shadow Enclave, as well as her jet black hair. As for what brought her to the teachings of Shar, she you are born into it, it is not hard to follow it. At the tender age of 12 she was part of a raiding party on a Selune temple, during the raid she pinned down a 14 year old girl, and a 15 year old boy. She removed the girl's holy symbol and heated it in a nearby fire killing the girl by burning the holy symbol of Sulune into her neck to mock her by the statement, where is your goddess now to protect you, but as she burnt the flesh she twisted it to make it distorted as an insult. As for for the boy she sacrificed him on Selune's own alter with a Sharran blade.

Last edited Sat Apr 03, 2010 6:07 pm | Scroll up


RE: IC Stories about what brings your charater to Shar

in IC Stories Sun Apr 04, 2010 6:51 am
by Sister Night F • 10 Posts

TY I was trying to move it myself, but couldn;t figure out how.

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